Archive for February 18, 2011

Tua kutuk tak sedar diri..

I wrote the previous entry yesterday, but tak sempat habis tulis boss dtg pulak.

then i went up to discuss with him (the boss). then suddenly the stupid old man ( that client that never pays for 15yrs)  joined the discussion. being 38 weeks pregnant – it’s so universal for people to acknowledge that we are that heavy to just go up and down the staircase.

and what did he do? the tua kutuk tak sedar diri asked me to go fetch some papers downstairs TWICE and just as i went up again, he asked me to go to his office next door and get her daughter to come and join the meeting.


he can just call his daughter and asked her to come around, but no… he asked me, heavily pregnant to fetch her. Babi.

i pandang my boss and luckily the boss got the message and he volunteered to call the client’s daughter.

i would have given my piece of mind, only that my boss is so protective of this tua kutuk client (that no one understands why – maybe he saved his cat from drowning or something..) that made me feel i should keep this till the day i decide to leave this place. just wait for the moment.

even our Associate, which is by far the most precious asset in this company had been given a hard time by the boss just because she refused to do this project. btw, she was in charge of the project before me, until the tua kutuk tak sedar diri asked her to do something that is outside our scope of work (his dirty laundry), she declined and being thrown out of the project.

and then now, since i’m going for my maternity leave very very soon, the tua kutuk tak sedar diri wanted her (the associate) to rejoined the project (because she’s that good). tak malu, dah ludah jilat balik.

i feel a lot better after writing all this crap. i really do.

February 18, 2011 at 2:21 pm 1 comment

…*yawn yawn*…

Kesian dekat en. Husband… he’s so stressed out for the past 2 mornings just to send me to work. I’m tensed too, since i feel that i am still OK to drive and i’m so used to my route to work (being ‘zen’ with the crazy traffic and idiots around sentul area).

maybe i’ll try to ask for his permission to drive myself to work tomorrow. can’t take the unnecessary stress in the morning. (plus being early for work and the last one to leave – sgtlah tak best!)

I’m tired. so tired.

workload is increasing by the hour. and i’m tired speaking to idiots – now i’ve taken a necessary step to keep me amused during stupid meetings with stupid clients (yg bodoh n sombong) – by asking them questions that i know they Don’t Know (in which, they supposed to know, as developers).

it took me only 3 questions, only 3 questions to make him bang the table and raised his voice at me! (the trick here is to ask dgn muka bodoh mcm seriously tak paham apa derang ckp) serious mmg rasa best gile. nasib baik boss tak marah aku, because i was asking earnest questions that any architect would ask before they start doing their job.

ahaha…sgt puas hati… tua kutuk tak sedar diri. pakai kopiah macam alim tapi tak penah bayar consultants for the past 15 years. kaki sogok and cakap besar tapi habuk pon tarak. and that is why you are not getting anywhere, sbb makan rezeki tak halal dr titik peluh org lain.

Nau’zubillah… i really hope i don’t turn into someone like that in future. me, or anyone i know.


February 18, 2011 at 2:04 pm Leave a comment

February 2011

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